Whooop! Hai semua sekarang Gue udah jadiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.................................... Mahasiswa! Yeayyy!
Worldclass University lhooo...JENGJENG...
Yes! Here I will learn at a higher level to achieve my goals. I want to be successful and bring happiness to people around me, especially my parents. Wish me Luck! :)
Proud! Because I can reach the university level but, My responsibility is getting bigger and should be able to take advantage of the time with the best :)
Berasanya sih ya baru kemaren mos jadi siswa SMA tapi sekarang udah di ospek untuk jadi Mahasiswa Baru hihihi Dan untungnya ospeknya seruuuw! Apalagi paling seru banget nih ya menurut Gue yaaa di Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi yoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii seru abiiiiiiiiis! Eyaeyalaaah Ekonomin gituuu :D It's the faculty and the courses I choose :D Mangat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!